Yesterday I was playing a game, and it just pixelated my screen and crashed.
I restarted my Vista system, and it couldn't reboot.
I reinstalled a fresh version of Windows 7 thinking it might help out.
Everything is okay, I run 1280x800 without the drivers for the video but once I install NVIDIA Drivers, it crashes.
I can't play any games this way.
I'll reward you with a small amount in paypal or donate for this site if you can find a fix for me. Cheers!
Yesterday I was playing a game, and it just pixelated my screen and crashed.
I restarted my Vista system, and it couldn't reboot.
I reinstalled a fresh version of Windows 7 thinking it might help out.
Everything is okay, I run 1280x800 without the drivers for the video but once I install NVIDIA Drivers, it crashes.
I can't play any games this way.
I'll reward you with a small amount in paypal or donate for this site if you can find a fix for me. Cheers!