No vga

I have a toshiba satellite L305d laptop running vista home 32 bit system. Cannot get any picture when connecting my vga cable. ghj

George Hi and welcome

We could use more info. connecting vgw cable, to what a second monitor? if so you may need to use the win key and the p key. win +P

Ken J+

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Dell Inspiron E 1405
    [email protected]
    4 gigs
    Graphics card(s)
    integrated intel 945
    Sound Card
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    300 gig internal
    Internet Speed
    10 down 1.5 up
I,m trying to connect to my 48" plasma tv and tried toshiba sudestion of holding down the FN key and the F5 key at the same time. This cause my laptop and the tv screen to flutter back and forth and than both screens went black. Turn off both umits off. Laptop came back on and is working fine but could not duplicate this problem. When I ran windows xp every thing worked, but vista it's a problem.

My Computer
