Network Freezes


New Member

I have two machines both running Vista Home, they both work with one file on one of the machines (not at the same time though). First machine makes a copy of the file, does changes and copy it over the original, second machine does likewise.
The problem is that that both machines can work fine for couple days and suddenly the network freezes and you have to reboot computers and hope that will help.

They both connected to a router (with DCHP). There are other computers on the network (LAN).

What can make the network more stable?


My Computer

HI HappyOneX,

see the most comman issue you must be having is that your vista computers are connected to a router and getting a ip address from the DHCP server on the router what my guess is you say after two or three days the computers loses the network connectiviy this is a likely cause of the dhcp server renewing its ip address to all the clients ( your vista computers) so if you want to avoid the renew you can disable the dhcp server on the router and assisgn static IP address for the two vista computers.

this should slvoe your probelm.

Hope this helps
Cheers !

My Computer

HI HappyOneX,

see the most comman issue you must be having is that your vista computers are connected to a router and getting a ip address from the DHCP server on the router what my guess is you say after two or three days the computers loses the network connectiviy this is a likely cause of the dhcp server renewing its ip address to all the clients ( your vista computers) so if you want to avoid the renew you can disable the dhcp server on the router and assisgn static IP address for the two vista computers.

this should slvoe your probelm.

Hope this helps
Cheers !

Thank you for the reply, John_cena,

So what you're saying is to assign static IPs to all the computers and turn off DHCP? Does every network that has DHCP on experiences this problem?

p.s. First, I though it happens because the router is slow and gets overloaded with data and freezes the network, so I've replaced it with Cisco Linksys RV082 and the problem still persists.

p.p.s. Is there any way to test the LAN network? Like speeds, stability and stuff?

My Computer

You'll need to define what a "freeze" means in this context.

When this happens, from each machine try pinging its own IP, the router's internal interface (your "default gateway"), and the IP of the other box.

If you can ping the router from each machine, does internet access work too?

Try to UNC between the two machines (start, run, \\OtherBoxName\ShareOnTheOtherBox).

Between the outcomes of these tests, someone here should be able to help you go in the right direction.

(btw, it's got sod-all to do with DHCP. DHCP is a very simple mechanism that Just Works <tm> on networks that small, and there's zero reason to disable it right now. Just my AU$0.02)

My Computer
