I need to keep photos on my camera after downloading to Windows Photo Gallery. But each time I download, all previous photos are automatically downloaded to my computer file. How do I limit the download by date? Thanks.
If there's one place where
Options and
Check boxes are liberally available, it's in the processes for downloading photos from your camera. I agree with the other two Forum Members who have replied so far, and just add that you need to set up exactly what
you want to do with regards to the photos
you want to download,
where you want them to go, and
what software you want to use to open and edit the files with.
You can also select which of the files you want to download each and every time you do a download, and most important of all, you have the option to either save or delete the files that you have downloaded, on your Camera Memory Card [Check box].
Just slow down, read all the options available to you, and select the paths you wish to take. Even some options, have further options - it's all your choice.
Finally, give feedback to let it be known just how you get on.