I'm still trying to figure out why my dvd drives won't recognize any media after s3 sleep but work fine after a reboot.( it's getting old rebooting everytime i want to watch a movie. )
In device manager i see the drives, they show up in my comp and bios too..They don't disappear like some problems i've read about...just won't recognize any dvd i put in it until restart.
One thing i notice is that in device manager the power data for the drives show:
Is that normal? If not how can i "specify" s3 sleep in the drives? All drives are Vista certified and have the latest firmware. I would really appreciate help with this problem.
I'm also thinking maybe the Gear software i use with Itunes may be causing this so i'm googling that too.
In your Power Options in the Control Panel, check to see if using the Sleep option with the setting of Multimedia settings When sharing media to Allow the computer to enter Away Mode instead will help.
Thanks Shawn for the help. I have just set my Multimedia settings to Allow the computer to enter Away Mode. After work i'll be able to test it again and i really appreciate your giving me step 2.
That didn't work. Allow the computer to enter Away Mode made my monitor shut off at specified time but the pc wouldn't sleep not even manually. Since my psu is about as loud as a Xbox 360 and my case has two huge blue fans on the side i like to have it all shut down at night, i also tried prevent idling to sleep and after making it all manually sleep the next morning the pc came back on but my monitor wouldn't until a reboot. I'll try step 2..thanks again for the help. I know i'll figure this out eventually.