... and it's loading page for a minute or two, and thein its fine again till next 10 minutes. I opened Resource Monitor and in the Network field when that happens there are few, sometimes even ten processes named ekrn.exe. I have Eset Nod antivirus and I know that ekrn is being run by Nod. The thing that freakes me out is that in the Resource Monitor in the Network tab under Addresses of the proceses is some IP address or ron or smth like that. I downloaded lot of antispyware programs and nothing helped. They all says it's ok, but I know it's not. i bought my laptop two weeks ago and I can tell the difference. How I have a new process created by some antispyware progam(which i uninstall) which also takes a lot of my network resources. I have also two msnmsgr processes and one of them have adress by1msg5246603. I've noticed that afret I close Msn Messenger after some time it shows up again in the taskbar. I'm not sure what to do. can anybody help?