Hi! Ok, I have been doing stuff on movie maker for a long time, but i stopped for a while and wound up getting a new laptop and windows vista (previously i had XP) and for some reason I can't publish the movie when it's done. I can watch it in movie maker, i can get the 'publish' bar to finish and when i click finish it shows the movie, but instead of the movie i get the first two frames (which are png images) and then black until the last frame (also a png) All the music is still there, and I can see it change from fade ins to the black then fade in again (the black is also a png) but the video itself isn't there. I've tried publishing as every file alternative there is listed when you can chose but it does the same thing.
All the source files are where they were when i converted them, all converted files are still where they were when i made the movie and it does the same thing. Any ideas?
All the source files are where they were when i converted them, all converted files are still where they were when i made the movie and it does the same thing. Any ideas?