Missing functionallity in 'Windows Mail' Contacts that was in Outlook Express 'addres


New Member
Missing functionallity in 'Windows Mail' Contacts that was in Outlook Express 'address book'

I've just moved over from XP with Outlook Express 6 to Vista Ultimate using Windows Mail.
I've migrated my old XP Address Book into Windows Mail Contacts and my 50+ Contact Groups (my mailout lists) are visible BUT when I browse an individual contact there is no field that tells me which of my Contact Groups this person is in? In Address Book there was a field there.
I need this info for maintaining my mailout list. At the moment I can't tell if a person's email address is already on my mail out list unless I check each of the 50+ Contact Groups individually which can't be right!!!
Am I missing something - is this info there somewhere?

My Computer
