Microsoft Picture IT on Vista HELP!

Darkish Raven

New Member
Hi there, I was just wondering if there was any possible way to get Microsoft Picture IT working properly on a Vista.

I was able to install it, however the program crashes whenever I attempt to open a picture, start a blank project, etc...

Thanks for any help. :)

My Computer

This should be a priority for Microsoft. There were six highly popular versions of Picture It before the product was lobotomized of its home publishing features and became the quickly-discontinued Digital Studio. (My kids demanded I reinstall it when I "upgraded"). Whether or not Digitial Studio runs on Vista is irrelevant; many, many Picture It devotees are now faced with the choice between bypassing Vista or upgrading to newer non-MSFT home software like Google Picasa. **Certainly anyone else can see that these are both bad for MSFT!!!** When will a Vista workaround for Picture It be available?

My Computer
