MAC address can build by dynamically for statics ?why?
You cant change them but you can spoof themMAC address can build by dynamically for statics ?why?
You cant change them but you can spoof themMAC address can build by dynamically for statics ?why?
That's interesting. I've hard coded IP addresses, but never MAC addresses.
what answer can i get ?!
I don't know!what answer can i get ?!
Im still not sure what you are asking. do you want to change mac address?
I don't know!what answer can i get ?!
Im still not sure what you are asking. do you want to change mac address?
i will ask my teacher
I don't know!loorra
Im still not sure what you are asking. do you want to change mac address?
i will ask my teacher
We want to help you. We just need to know what it is that you need
this is the question!
MAC address can be stored statically or dynamically?what is the difference?in some situation we need to use statically,why?
i hope you are all here understand the question!
Dynamically: automaticly aasigned by router
Staticly: assigned by network administrator
MAC address table in the router can be assigned either dynamically or staticly in the router..dynamic assign work by pinging a broadcast signal to all workstations..and staticly is assigned by the network administraitor through IOS (Internetworking Operating System) which is the router OS
is this answer is correct or not ?!!