I'm looking for a safe, free download to clear my computer of an adware virus. My wife recently opened something unknown and we're being hit with pop-ups that often obliterate the page I'm working on. In addition I'm receiving windows that contain lists of Trojan Horses that have just been detected. Perhaps I'm getting paranoid but I don't trust these windows as they're unidentified. I would have expected them to be headed Microsoft, AVG or some other known name.
I have AVG 8.5 that has done well until now. I ran a diagnostic but no infection was found so it's probably not a comprenhsive enough program to do the job. So, I was hoping you could recommend something to erradicate this annoying virus. If not, could you recommend a way in which I could send 10,000 volts back through the system to the originator of the virus?
Thanks, in advance
I have AVG 8.5 that has done well until now. I ran a diagnostic but no infection was found so it's probably not a comprenhsive enough program to do the job. So, I was hoping you could recommend something to erradicate this annoying virus. If not, could you recommend a way in which I could send 10,000 volts back through the system to the originator of the virus?
Thanks, in advance