Log File?


New Member
I'm hoping this is the right forum to post in.At work, we're using Windows Vista 64 bit.My wife is being accused of leaving work early by 15 mins. It's my understanding that the signing in and out of your system would be logged, correct?Would this be logged at the local level, or on the domain level?Does anyone know where this type of log would be found? She kinds of needs to prove her case on this one.Thanks in advance,

My Computer

I could be wrong here, but I do not think the system logs a logoff. I know it logs a log on but I don't think it records when a user logs off :S

To be honest, this isn't really proof of anything anyway. She could have programed the computer to log her off at a certain time or just got someone else to do it ...

Sorry :(

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Hewlett Packard
    3.40Ghz / 2.20Gz Duo Core
    2GB / 3GB
    Hard Drives
    160 GB / 160 GB