Had a couple of transferred programs that needed to have *.exe shortcut icons in my 'Start > Programs' list.
Guess what? I can't find it...I can't even find 'Documents & Settings'.
Where is this folder officially located in Vista (as I'm very used to XP Pro, only recently having converted over)...so I can drag&drop the executable ???
The "Documents and Settings" folder from XP has been replaced by the "Users" folder in Vista
Hope this helps you find your files
If you know the name of the file you are looking for you can search for the file by typing the name into the search bar at the bottom of the start menu
Dont drag and drop the exe file. You are looking for the Programs Files folder? You werent very clear.
The Programs files are at Computer->HardDrive (C->Program Files-> *click on whatever folder you need* Right click on the exe and hover over "send to - " and click pin to start menu, or desktop. There, you can move the shortcut to wherever you need to.
Hope it helps. Remember to post results.
No...not the 'Program Files' folder...the actual folder where the various program executables exist...the one that houses the *.exe shortcuts whereby the end user goes to 'Start > Programs'. BTW - That folder is not under 'Users', either (or else I missed it).