live messenger 2009 freezes in video calls


New Member
I have a HP Pavillon dv6000 with an intergrated webcam, and it comes pre-installed with Cyberlink Youcam software (and in case u ask, yes I do have the latest update of it:geek:). Im using Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit and Service Pack 1.

Video calls with people who do not have Windows live messenger 2009 (or any of the beta versions) is perfectly fine and show is sending and viewing each others webcam. With WLM09 users, I can send and view my contacts' webcam just fine like always.

However since I installed the new messenger I cannot video call other contacts with the new messenger. The second I click the Video tab to start a call, my messenger freezes, and the same happens if I accept their call.

I found one way of going around it, under audio and video set up if I do not set the CyberLink Web Camera Filter as the webcam I want to use, i.e. I select the default Simplo Webcam, which is the webcam with no software, it works!:huh: The only problem is the video quality is TERRIBLE and dark when I choose Simplo Webcam for some strange reason. I have always used CyberLink in all my previous versions of messenger and it worked fine. All the advanced webcam settings, brightness contrast blah blah blah, are the same so I dont know why the video quality is so poor..

In the preview in audio and video set up the video is very clear and crisp either way. Thats about all the information I know.

Is the problem with the Messenger or Youcam? Can I improve the quality of the video output without using Cyberlink? Or is there anyway of getting the messenger not to freeze when calling another WLM09 user, with cyberlink filter set as my webcam? I know you're probably thinking why dont I just get on with life and use the poor quality video calls, but I really want this.

Thanks in advance

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavillon dv6000
    3GB RAM
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
Has there been any development with this as I am having exactly the same issue. Video Calls are fine with people using an older version of messenger, but if they are using the current version like me it freezes as soon as we try to connect (if they call me, or I call them). I have tried the "fix" you sugested and it sort of works, but as you said, the video quality is extremely poor, and very laggy.
My laptop is also a DV6000 series but running Vista Ultimate x64 SP2
Any help would be greatly appreciated

My Computer
