My wireless N adapter (why the hell did I get an N, oh well this was 2 years ago when I got it LOL, and I guess it might benefit me once I get an N router...and a connection that actually benefits from N devices) says if I have "Wi-FI PROTECTED SETUP" it will be a button on the middle of the router that either looks like a lock or two arrows going after each other in a circle. Since I don't have this, I don't think I have the feature.
IS wireless protection setup that same as wireless encrytpion? Basically having a password for the wireless connection. If so, LOL. Way to confuse me linksys. This by the way between a linksys n adapter which I was trying to set up today, and my wrt54g wireless linksys router which I've had...for 3 years now. Thing is old as hell yet I'm getting "this router is so awesome" even today. I almost threw that thing away, guess I'm glad I still have it ^^.
By the way, about what I have written in parantheses, I have a question...
Say my connection speed (I have fios) is 10 mb download speed, and 2 mb upload speed...are wireless n devices of any benefit more than G in my case?? Considering G IS 54.0 mbps and my connection is 10 mbps? I guess that would mean that is how much it can handle in a second?
Edit: Someone on xbox forums told me that what one would really get from a 54.0 mbps wireless G connection is about 1 tenth of that! Or less than 10mbps. Is any of this true?? Why would it be listed as 54.0 but give you only a tenth of this actual amount? He said even this would not suffice for my TEN MB wireless connection since a tenth of the 54.0 is well under even 10 MB. Someone help.