Learn how to get the most out of your Windows Home Server’s capabilities

There are many materials which can help you learn how to use your Windows Home Server to its full potential. These items include things such as books, videos, and our product guide. There are some great books about Windows Home Server including Windows Home Server Unleashed and the Windows Home Server Bible.If you are more of a visual learner, HP has created a number of “How To” videos and demos which walk you through the different features of your Home Server. Train Signal is another company that utilizes videos as a great way to provide information about Windows Home Server.

The Windows Home Server training created by Train Signal has many great features. It includes over 13 hours of interactive video instruction covering all of Windows Home Server’s capabilities. Train Signal focuses on how to take advantage of all the features and options that Windows Home Server provides in a very detailed and organized layout. It is simple to follow along and find exactly what you would like to learn about. The training is comprehensive in that it covers everything from installation, configuration, maintenance, troubleshooting, as well as a few more advanced Home Server tricks. The highlight of this product is that the training is designed for regular PC users who have little technical expertise, not just IT professionals.


To watch some of their training videos for free, you can visit: http://www.trainsignaltraining.com/free-video-training/free-windows-home-server-training-videos/.


