Latest automatic update installed 9 fixes...


New Member
Latest automatic update installed 9 fixes and dramatically improved boot time.

The last time I shut down Ultimate 64x, Vista informed me that 9 fixes were waiting to be installed, all downloaded automatically from Windows Update. It took much longer than I would have thought (no idea what it was actually doing, but probably took at least 10 mins to install all 9), however when I rebooted, something very good happened. I have been running Ultimate 64 for a year, and the first 8 months or so were fine. Startup and shutdown were both relatively quick (startup time around 30 seconds). However, for the last 4 months or so, startup time has been very very long. I tried everything I could think of to change this, but after the green-cylon-eye going across the screen, Vista would go black for 3 mins or more before finally showing the login screen. After the 9 latest fixes, startup time is much faster. Does anyone know what these latest fixes were for? Were they generalized for all Vista users, or did I just get lucky? How can I narrow it down to figure out which one was the kicker?

I checked my Events viewer. MainPathBootTime is now 29893ms (29 secs). Prior to these fixes, my MainPathBootTime was averaging 170199 (170 secs) and BootTime was 215 secs or more. I'll have to keep rebooting to ensure I maintain the 29 sec boot but this is the fastest boot by far in the last 4 months.

Any ideas?

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