Is there a "WMI" service?

I have Vista Home Premium

I'm stuck in a thread on the Kaspersky forum because the people over there cannot tell me whether the "WMI" service is the same as the "WMI Performance Adapter" service.

(I'm posting on this forum rather than the "System Security" forum, because I think the post is services related, rather than security-related.)

If anyone is interested, here is the thread:
Windows and Kaspersky firewalls both turned off - Kaspersky Lab Forum

To solve a problem, here is the advice:


1. Temporarily disable the Windows management instrumentation service in: Start >Run > type: services.msc and in there find/stop WMI
2. Next delete the C:\windows\system32\wbem\repository folder
3. Restart the WMI service & restart the computer


I have no service called "WMI". I do have a service called "WMI Performance Adapter"

So, if the services are not the same, there's nothing I can do, because I have no "WMI" service.

If the services are the same, there is still nothing I can do, because my "WMI Performance Adapter" service is not started :)

Any advice?

BTW: I would be most embarrassed if anyone on this forum thinks that I've started paying for software :)

It's a free 1-year subscription provided to online users of my bank :)

My Computer

The service they're referring to is called "Windows Management Instrumentation" in that list, not "WMI" (as in, the acronym).

My Computer

The service they're referring to is called "Windows Management Instrumentation" in that list, not "WMI" (as in, the acronym).

Thanks for that :)

I thought the guru was simply telling me the meaning of "WMI".

It did not occur to me that he was actually trying to correct his own initial error, without actually admitting that he had made an error :(

BTW: What would have happened if "WMI Performance Adapter" *had* been running, and I had stopped it, followed by deleting wbem\repository?

Implosion? Cheap nuclear fusion? :)

My Computer

The service they're referring to is called "Windows Management Instrumentation" in that list, not "WMI" (as in, the acronym).

Thanks for that :)

I thought the guru was simply telling me the meaning of "WMI".

It did not occur to me that he was actually trying to correct his own initial error, without actually admitting that he had made an error :(

BTW: What would have happened if "WMI Performance Adapter" *had* been running, and I had stopped it, followed by deleting wbem\repository?

Implosion? Cheap nuclear fusion? :)

It's one thing to know how to do something yourself, and it's something else entirely to give directions to others :)

Nothing would've happened because you wouldn't have been able to blow away the repository with "Windows Management Instrumentation" still running. The repository is basically a file, and while the WMI service is running that file is locked in a way which precludes deletion.

Once it's been deleted, the WMI service will rebuild it the next time it starts and notices that the repository is empty/missing. That's the whole point of the exercise - they apparently think you've got WMI issues, and they don't want to look too closely so it's easier to just blow away the repository and start again.

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