Internet Connectivity


New Member

This post here describes my problem, and all of the "solutions" in it do not work.

The problem, from what I see, is that when my laptop starts up it thinks it has the same ip as my desktop. In order to fix this I have to right click it and repair it.. I then select "automatically get new IP settings for the network adapter" and this fixes the problem.

BUT, it happens every time I wake the laptop from sleep, or whenever I boot up the laptop..

For some reason my laptop likes to make its IP a particular number which conflicts with the home computers number.

Could anyone help me out with this. -.-


My Computer

The APIPA address, 169.254.x.x is a IP address assigned when your pc cannot find the DHCP server to get a address. Since a static IP appears to be working, log in to your router and see what the range of addresses that DHCP in the router is handing out. Then assign your pc an address above that range. For example, if your router is handing out addresses in the range of to, then make the IP address of your pc, that way it will not have a IP address conflict.

My Computer

DHCP Gateway IP Address:
Subnet Mask:

DNS Proxy IP Address:

So when I went to my router I found this.

Not sure if it's normal for both the DNS and the DHCP to be the same address. I couldn't find a range of address' and could only find that one. Should I create a static IP on my laptop to avoid the conflict? Or how would I go about changing it properly (so that it wont reset to the original way it is).

Thank you for the reply, also!


My Computer

Open a command prompt and type the following without the quotes and paste all the results back here and do it for both pc's, "ipconfig /all". I want to see what your default gateway is and some other things. And yes, you can enter a static address in your laptop, make sure that they are on one of the pc's and on the other, that way there should not be any conflicts in the future either. What is the make and model of your router?

My Computer
