Then provide more details, for example - How long has this been going on? How are you connecting to the internet? [ router / wireless ] How reliable is your ISP? Have you checked to see if they [ your ISP ] is having Network Status probs.] etc etc.
Please also fill in your system specs. [ top left hand corner area Win Forums, CP, your control panel, edit system specs.]
What edition of vista are you using? When I was home basic i had poor connection.
If your Downloads are that bad. Try a manager you can download IDM (internet download manager) as a 15 day trial. if you like it, buy it. I get around 1.5 mb per second
I have had problems with it since I purchased the computer about 6 months ago. The system came with vista home prem 64bit. I have a modem that my cable company supplies and I contact them and they ran a test on my cable internet and stated that there was not problems. Is there a certain modem I should have for 64 bit systems?