I have got a vista compatible driver for OKI C9600 PS and I want to connect to an OKI C9600 (PCL6) that is shared in a network,where do I install this vista compatible driver, into the server of the network or in the PC that I am using?
Thank you for the advice, I have been trying for the past week but I still cannot connect to the network printer, could there be another solution to this?
When you say that the printer is shared on the network, how is it shared? is it a direct network printer?, or via a PC or Print server. If it's Via a PC what OS is the sharing PC running.
Also have you tried to install the Printer locally on the Vista PC?
I am running on Windows Vista, I have a IBM Lenovo laptop and it cannot seem to finish the boot up process,it freezes straight after the BIOS startup and before the welcome screen, it freezes on the windows vista boot-up bar that usually runs before the welcome, i think that you already have and idea on my problem, could you please help me out on this issue, i am in desperate need of help. Thank you