IE7 Internet Options


New Member
My problems with Vista Ultimate continue to esclate. Now I can't access Internet Options from IE7 or from the Control Panel even as the Administrator. I get the following message - "The Operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on the computer. Please contact the system administrator". For some reason, it takes an rather long amount of time just initally to bring up IE and there is a 'Protected Mode:On' message is in the bottom right side of the window. By the way, I still can make Fax and Scan operate.

  • Does anyone know of a fix for this?
  • Can IE7 be re-installed?
  • Can Vista be re-installed with removing all of my files/data?
  • How hard is it to go back to XP?

My Computer

hi jmjprince,

ok try the following, please take care when doing this,

Press both your Windows Key and R (windows key is the key with the flag on next to the left CTRL key)
type: regedit
click ok

now on the left expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER (click the + next to it)
expand: Software
expand: Policies
expand: Microsoft
expand: Internet Explorer
and finderly exapnd: Restrictions

now look for NoBrowserOptions in the right hand side, if you doubble click that, a small window will open, change the value to 0 click ok.

now close IE7 and reopen it, this should fix your problem.

hope this helps,

My Computer
