Ie7 / ie8 100%


New Member
I think I am in the correct forum if not I apologize.

First of all I am on a customers laptop trying to get Ie7 / Ie8 to function properly, no matter which is installed it takes a good 10-50 seconds to open up the browser and then the CPU is getting hit at 100% and I have read other forums that suggest I disable certain services and clean out restricted sites, I have also read that Spybot S&D can cause Ie8 to have some issues which is BS because on my home PC I run Spybot S&D and Ie8 and no worries. I will list the laptops specs.

Acer Aspire 3680
Intel Celeron M CPU 430 @ 1.73GHz
Windows Vista Home Basic 32bit

Thanks in advance


My Computer

There's a tutorial here on cleaning up IE's configuration which includes deactivation of add-ons. Something that your customer has installed as an IE add-on is almost certainly responsible.

Also, FWIW the fact that two software modules coexist peacefully on one machine doesn't at all prove that they will consistently do so everywhere. The environment and usage patterns on each machine are going to be at least subtly different, and that can expose interoperability issues which are lying dormant elsewhere.

My Computer
