Sorry for the delay in this reply, a tad busy of late! Right, I'm not familiar with the lj2100 so bear with me. Your XP system should see the printer on the server as a
network device, if that's what you're trying to do??
If the printer is running from a Vista
machine then you need to remove it and set it up on
it's own print server. I use a Lynksys wireless print server to achieve this but you could just CAT5 it. Set the printer up on your XP machine as above (network printer with standard driver) and then use he PL5 driver to trick Vista via your network. Hey presto, printing possible!
DOT 4 port is a virtual port installed as default by HP drivers, to bypass it you need to use PL drivers.
Similar info thread here
At some point in time the lj2100
will reach its life end, I'd be tempted to get a budget in place for that event, maybe it's nearer than you think?
Hope this helps
Storm Systems