Everytime my explorer.exe crashes it normally turns itself up but when it doesn't i end up executing it manually from task manager which leads to my desktop icon placements getting messed up. Now if i reboot my computer the grid placements are normal again, what's up?
Edit: I'm now using UltraMon which does the job wonderfully
Intel Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family
Sound Card
Conexant 20561 SmartAudio HD
Monitor(s) Displays
15 inch
Screen Resolution
1280 x 800
Hard Drives
1x 180GB Intel 530 series SSD
1 x 120GB Hitachi 5400rmp
1 x 650GB Western Digital Elements 5400rpm
1x 1Tb Western Digital Elements 5400rpm
Internet Speed
Medium for New Zealand
Other Info
Weakest part of my computer is the graphics chipset.
Only ever used a laptop.
Also use USB Freeview TV Card
Lenovo Docking Station
External Speakers
Other bits a pieces as needed
There are plenty of icon position save restore freewares around. For 32 bit I have one where you right click the Destop to save or restore. But there are other more sophisticated ones. Try the big download sites. But ilikefree is right. Find out the cause.
After messing around with desktop icon positions I got so sick of it I kept none on my desktop. I started using launchers like RocketDock. Much cleaner with no desktop icons, except temporarily for a download or whatnot.