home theatre pc


New Member
I was reading an article on home theatre pc setups and am trying to follow the suggestions given. The section on software implies that any windows OS can be used as a home server OS - "For the back-end, regular versions of Windows or the new Windows Home Server (WHS) are easy enough to use" Is this true? And if so, how can I set this up? I've googled, searched the microsoft site, visited book stores but have not found any reference for setting up the "front end back end" HTPC. The full article I read may be accessed at:

Ars Ultimate Home Theater PC Guide: 1080p HDMI Edition: Page 2

I would appreciate any guidance on setting up Windows Vista Home Premium as a home server. I am using an HP with quad processor, 4 gigs ram, large disk and TV tuner as the "back end". I will add additonal hard disk space once and if the concept is proven in my home. I am using a Dell laptop with HDMI output as the "front end"

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