I just built a new computer and it ran great for a couple of weeks. Now anywhere from 5 seconds to 1 minute after it posts it will just completely lock up and require a restart or power down. I haven't added any new hardware or OC'd anything so i'm kind of stumped.
Vista home premium 64bit
q9300 quad core
asus p5n-e 650i mobo
4x1gb corsair xms2 extreme memory
evga nvidia 8800 gtx 768mb
600 watts power supply
Check your drivers. Espescialy your chipset .inf drivers. I have heard and seen issues with the i650 chipset with Vista. Check for Bios updates. If none are avalable from your MB vendor check the nvidia site.
Check every other driver you got.
Check temperatures. Check you power supply.
Download memtest 86 and make a CD and run a minimum of 4 passes on your RAM.
1 320GB Seagate SATA
1 250GB Western Digital SATA
1 200GB Maxtor SATA
2x160GB Western Digitals SATA
1 320GB Seagate External
1 120GB Western Digital External
1 80GB Westen Digital External
1 4GB Crucial Flash Drive for Ready Boost
600watt Fortron Source
Fresh Air
Razer Diamondback
Microsoft Natural Ergonamic 4000
Other Info
My main rig runs Vista Ultimate or Server 2008. Depending on which Acronis image I decide to load.