Hi. I'm new & I'm not sure if this is the correct part of the forum to post in but I'm desperate & really need help.
I'm attempting to burn a DVD using Windows DVD Maker & all I get are problems. It stops at 99% or burns but then gives me black & magenta colors in the DVD player or does tons of skipping.
I am attempting to burn a .avi file that is a little over 45 minutes. I attempted installing a codec I googled & it made the DVD Maker finish the disc but that's where the DVD player problems came in.
I am using Memorex DVD-R. I was able to successfully burn a 5 minute .wmv video a few months back but now I am at my wits end! I've tried downloading Nero & ImgBurn & other DVD Burners & they don't help.
I tried to contact customer support but was told I'd need to pay $60 to get help. I've heard that other people have this problem & I'm not giving out that much money to learn that the Vista people messed up & they're to lazy to fix it & I should just go my own way.
Am I just going to have to wait until my XP gets out of storage before I can complete this project?
Thanks, but i do not use nero any more.
last time i used nero, it's audio/video codecs took control over my multimedia arrangement and messed it up :huh: