Help! Please! Startup!


New Member
Hi I have an extremely terrible error! Everytime I try and startup my computer (just pushing the power button), My computer asks me if I would like to start widows normally or launch startup repair (recommended). Of course thinking its nothing I start normally. Then just a black screen. Thats all I get. So I go ahead and shut down. This time choosing Startup repair. This time all I get is a light blue screen with a big white cursor. Thats ALL. (P.s. Blue screen is not Blue Screen Of Death)

Please help! Please!

:cry:Thank you so much in advance! :cry:

(p.s.s. I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium)

My Computer

Hi, I feel your pain. I hope to help you
you may want to make sure everything is seated, plugged in right (like ram, power, etc) and check in a different outlet (also heat, let it cool. dust makes for heating problems). assuming its a desktop. Try to get a vista (or xp) rescue cd (google neosmart vista rescue cd). While youre at it, google grub live cd and burn all with isoburner (a free program), then google ubuntu (that's right, all pc's should have two os's. think about it) make cd's for each and start with vista cd
Boot and do repair my installation --startup repair (google how to boot from cd, it's easy. Always google). If it doesn't work, go to cmd prompt (search for the options), then type chkdsk c: /f. After, type bootrec /scanos. If it shows os, then it may be something else other than bcd issue. Report what it's doing after. You may want to try bootrec after reporting back, and even checking minidump (once ubuntu is either installed or live).
:geek:Be motivated, it may take a while but you learn alot on the run.
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My Computer

Hi, I feel your pain. I hope to help you
you may want to make sure everything is seated, plugged in right (like ram, power, etc) and check in a different outlet (also heat, let it cool. dust makes for heating problems). assuming its a desktop. Try to get a vista (or xp) rescue cd (google neosmart vista rescue cd). While youre at it, google grub live cd and burn all with isoburner (a free program), then google ubuntu (that's right, all pc's should have two os's. think about it) make cd's for each and start with vista cd
Boot and do repair my installation --startup repair (google how to boot from cd, it's easy. Always google). If it doesn't work, go to cmd prompt (search for the options), then type chkdsk c: /f. After, type bootrec /scanos. If it shows os, then it may be something else other than bcd issue. Report what it's doing after. You may want to try bootrec after reporting back, and even checking minidump (once ubuntu is either installed or live).
:geek:Be motivated, it may take a while but you learn alot on the run.

Thank you so much! I still don't really understand too well, but I guess I'll try. If there's another way that would be great thanks!

My Computer


To expand on the advice posted by adnovel:

Windows Vista Recovery Disc Download — The NeoSmart Files

You need to set up a torrent client , e.g. utorrent to download it.

It will be an .iso file - burn it directly to cd with this (do not format the cd - if autoplay pops up, just close it)

View attachment Burn

Boot the cd and you will get the system recovery options :

To Boot from cd - start machine - watch white writing on black screen - it will say something like,

F2 for setup
F11 for bootmenu ( your F numbers may be different)

Select F11 ( or whatever it is for boot menu)

A boot menu pops up- arrow down to cdrom drive - put cd in drive - press Enter.

It will ask " press any key to boot from cdrom drive" - press Enter again.

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  • Operating System
    Intel E8400
    ASRock1333-GLAN R2.0
    4gb DDR2 800
    Graphics card(s)
    nvidia 9500GT 1gb
  • Operating System
    intel i5-8400
    gigabyte b365m ds3h
    ballistix 2x8gb 3200
Startup repair will not damage your files.;)

If you have a manufacturer "recovery" dvd - that may already include the Startup Repair option - the only way to know is check the manual - or the manufacturer website - or boot it up and see.

Be careful with the manufacturer "recovery" dvd - make sure the option is the same as in the tutorial.

If you can get hold of a 7 dvd - it is even more effective - it works on Vista.

Don't worry if you can't, try the Vista one.

My Computers

System One System Two

  • Operating System
    Intel E8400
    ASRock1333-GLAN R2.0
    4gb DDR2 800
    Graphics card(s)
    nvidia 9500GT 1gb
  • Operating System
    intel i5-8400
    gigabyte b365m ds3h
    ballistix 2x8gb 3200
If you do have a manufacturer "recovery" dvd - it may also have two restore options - 1 may be non-destructive ( it saves the existing files into a folder called Windows.old or similar).

If you are in any doubt - you can download a free rescue cd from Paragon - it is direct - not a torrent.

They email you a free registration key. The program burns itself to cd.

Get the free key here:

Rescue Kit 9.0 Express

download program here :

FREE Rescue Kit Express - Free Download!

Again , do not format the cd.

Boot the Paragon cd - select File Transfer Wizard and you can copy your files to an external drive/ another partition / dvd's

My Computers

System One System Two

  • Operating System
    Intel E8400
    ASRock1333-GLAN R2.0
    4gb DDR2 800
    Graphics card(s)
    nvidia 9500GT 1gb
  • Operating System
    intel i5-8400
    gigabyte b365m ds3h
    ballistix 2x8gb 3200
Were you able to boot the cd to system recovery options ?

Did you try system restore from the cd?

Can you boot into Safe Mode - press F8 repeatedly during black screen with white writing - if you get a screen of options, try arrowing down to Last Known Good Configuration - press Enter.

Do you have the manufacturer recovery dvd - is there an option for non destructive restore?

Did you get the Paragon cd and boot it to copy your files off?

My Computers

System One System Two

  • Operating System
    Intel E8400
    ASRock1333-GLAN R2.0
    4gb DDR2 800
    Graphics card(s)
    nvidia 9500GT 1gb
  • Operating System
    intel i5-8400
    gigabyte b365m ds3h
    ballistix 2x8gb 3200
Yes, the rescue kit should work.

You need to boot the rescue cd.

Strange your recovery disc won't boot - it might be damaged, of course.

How far do you get when you boot it?

You get the boot menu screen, arrow down to cdrom drive, put the cd/dvd in the drive, press enter - then what happens?

My Computers

System One System Two

  • Operating System
    Intel E8400
    ASRock1333-GLAN R2.0
    4gb DDR2 800
    Graphics card(s)
    nvidia 9500GT 1gb
  • Operating System
    intel i5-8400
    gigabyte b365m ds3h
    ballistix 2x8gb 3200
well if you're talking about the recovery disk then:
I boot the cd then the vista screen comes up saying: "Install windows" Then there's an option "Startup repair" I have tried everything within startup repair nothing has worked...I keep getting the same result: Vista loading screen comes up then black...then blue background with just a cursor with no functions.
I think this is a virus...:cry: :sa:, because after it loads it should come up with my login...but
I'll try the paragon rescue kit

My Computer
