No offense, but "I don't have much" is not a good enough answer - and understanding that you're new to the forums and such, ;et me take a little time to explain what I mean by that.
A lot of people here are good at helping folks, some are experts, some even at the level of Uber - but there remains one *major* obstacle to our solving computer problems here in the forum.
99.99% of the time we have no direct access to your computer - we cannot touch it, open it, run diagnostics, etc.
Thus, when we ask questions here, we need
specific answers. Up in the thread, Michael asked how much space you have left - to that you should be opening My Computer and right clicking on your drive and seeing how much space it *available* - by know this information we can proceed.
Also, helpful in troubleshooting is to follow
all steps exactly as listed, and if you get stuck in any particular step, ask away, being specific 0 for example, if you were doing the last part of my step, and you got lost as to what I meant by
***make sure** those same files have already been backed up
then you should do something like this:
You said above " ***make sure** those same files have already been backed up" - can you please explain that to me, because I am not sure I understand.
Finally, when going through steps, if you encounter a problem, or get stuck, you'll want to be
specific again - something like this is a *bad* idea: "I was doing the backup and it failed."
A better answer is "When I was doing the backup, it got to XX% and then popped up an error that said "Invalid media - please insert a larger disc" - that lets us know *exactly what the problem was, and thus we can troubleshoot it better.
Again, I am not coming down on you, but trying to enlighten you as to how to communicate better with us - the better you communicate with us the better chance we have of helping you solve your problem and move forward with using your computer.
Now, back to your troubles - did you follow what I wrote, and are you performing the necessary actions? Also, when you originally said your computer told you that you need to back up your files, was this Windows, or another another program?
EDIT - Added the following:
If you had System Restore watching that drive, and have ReadyBoost, that is a bad thing....Are you sure that your F: drive is a removable USB Flash Device (aka thumb drive, key drive, etc.)? Also, please read the very last paragraph of my first response to you - it may still be applicable....