Hello! and Error!


New Member
Hi everyone! want to thank all of you for your help on here. I've been browsing and have FINALLY, with your help, gotten my Vista 64 Ultra in a semi-stable state lol. Anyways, I got the following BSOD just a moment ago and was wondering if I could get any input:


Shut down unexpectedly

3/21/2009 2:12 AM

Not Reported

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:    BlueScreen
OS Version:    6.0.6001.
Locale ID:    1033

Files that help describe the problem (some files may no longer be available)

Extra information about the problem
BCCode:    101
BCP1:    0000000000000061
BCP2:    0000000000000000
BCP3:    FFFFFA60005EC180
BCP4:    0000000000000001
OS Version:    6_0_6001
Service Pack:    1_0
Product:    256_1

Note: prior to reinstalling vista, I was getting this non-stop. This time around, I've tried to keep installs to a minimum: AVG, Vista 64 Nvidia Drivers, Vista Sound Blaster Audigy.

I got the error again after installing Wallpaper Master 1.5... and Everest Home. So I've uninstalled the two and the computer has booted fine. It is also downloading ~50 updates.

Please let me know what you think and thank you!

My Computer

That bugcheck code means your processor or your motherboard are broken. If you're overclocking or undercooling, that may potentially be the cause too, but regardless it's a hardware problem at this stage, unfortunately.

My Computer

There was another poster here about a week or two ago with the same (obscure) stop code on an AMD processor. Apparently the AMD board suggested it had something to do with the TLB (translation lookaside buffer), although he spelled it "TBL" so it's possible that I misunderstood the acronym.

If yours is also an AMD processor you might want to have a look at the AMD forums and search on "(0x00000101 OR 0x101 OR CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT) AND Vista".

My Computer
