Hello every1!!! The hard disk space on my comp has been disappearin since the last two weeks. It has begun disappearin ever since i shifted base(m now in the US) , but i dont think it is because of shiftin power supply from ac to dc...Also, i knw about the system restore shadow storage points etc... and have cleaned up everything , but space is still disappearin . All i do is work on matlab / browse thru' / watch vids on my comp...and after every 10 - 15 mins i open explorer and see 5-10 mb knocked off my free space available. I tried ignorin it , hopin it would stop when the free space available becomes very less, but it went on all the way upto until i had 7 kb free!!!!! tried cleanin up my C drive(The drive where this problem is) my other drive is D which is only for restore purposes and it seems unaffected. Pls Help.....m at my wits end!@!!!!