I'm very new to this program and haven't done any programming in over 15 years, needless to say things have changed. I have over 400 files that have a %20 in the filename that I have been trying to take out. I found a code on this forum posted on 10-15-08 that worked when I used the whatif statement at the end. Below is the code:
gci -rec | ? {-not $_.psiscontainer -and $_.name.Contains("&")} | % {rename-item $_.fullname -newname ($_ -replace "&","and") -whatif}
When I take out the -whatif the system returns to >> and no matter what I type afterwards nothing happens. What the heck am I doing wrong? I wanted the &20 to be a space.
Nevermind wrong group sorry
gci -rec | ? {-not $_.psiscontainer -and $_.name.Contains("&")} | % {rename-item $_.fullname -newname ($_ -replace "&","and") -whatif}
When I take out the -whatif the system returns to >> and no matter what I type afterwards nothing happens. What the heck am I doing wrong? I wanted the &20 to be a space.
Nevermind wrong group sorry

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