File will not delete!


New Member
I downloaded a demo called Overclocked using ReGet Deluxe.
When downloaded it comes as a Zip file which also had a file accompanying it.

This is the file that I cannot delete. The extension says it’s a zip file but in properties it just says File as a file type & a size of 0 bytes.

It’s located in my storage drive “D” When trying to delete the message I get is:
This is no longer located in D:\. Verify the item’s location and try again.

Cannot move, rename or send to? It just comes up with the same message as above.

UAC is disabled.

Tried Unlocker but doesn’t work on Vista x64. (worked superb in XP)
Used Regseeker and removed any traces that came up with. (Works ok in Vista but not 100% stable?)

Tried Regedit and removed all traces of Overclocked in there.

There is got to be a way of removing files like this without everyone’s solution of formatting.
Surly it’s not as drastic as that?

Cheers for any help, Appreciated.

My Computer

Reboot into safe mode worked in XP. You might want to reboot and see if it unlocks the file to delete.

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    pair of Intel E5430 quad core 2.66 GHz Xeons
    Supermicro X7DWA-N server board
    16GB DDR667
    Graphics card(s)
    eVGA 8800 GTS 640 MB video card
    Hard Drives
Hi SCSIraidGURU forgot to mention I already tried that.
Reboot into safe mode worked in XP. You might want to reboot and see if it unlocks the file to delete.

Hi sidney1st I believe I have permission of the file because if I didn’t it would come up with an error like you don’t have permission to delete the file.

Thanks for the replies, Appreciated.

My Computer

Enable your administrator account and login as it. Security tab should work. Its Microsoft Vista protecting your computer from you.

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    pair of Intel E5430 quad core 2.66 GHz Xeons
    Supermicro X7DWA-N server board
    16GB DDR667
    Graphics card(s)
    eVGA 8800 GTS 640 MB video card
    Hard Drives
Enable your administrator account and login as it. Security tab should work. Its Microsoft Vista protecting your computer from you.

Is this what you mean? I googled what you suggested and came up with this
Enable the (Hidden) Administrator Account on Windows Vista :: the How-To Geek
The Gide worked but still couldn’t delete the offending file?
Cheers for reply SCSIraidGURU

Try a dir /x to find other name (8.3)
Then try to delete using that name.
Thanks for your reply but could you elaborate please in what you mean.. Sorry to be a pain Sid, I appreciate the replies.

My Computer

OK, your file is on D:\, then from a command prompt, you type in: dir/x
You could find some 8.3 names like in this picture:


You can see some funny names, have a look to see if your file doesn't appear like this, if so try to delete it using this funny name.
Last edited:

My Computer

Ahh! Got you? It shows up in the command prompt but how do I delete the file from there?

I’ve tried the following:
D:\>del filename
D:\>del “filename”
Result: Could not find

My Computer

Try from an elevated command prompt using the 8.3 name
d:\> del file~1
If does not work try del /f file~1
If does not work do it from safe mode
If does not work, take ownership of the file with icalcs command and delete.

If still file is not "found" you'll have to boot from a disk or usb flsh drive with some dos/ntfs tools

My Computer

Boot safe-mode and run an Admin CMD prompt [chkdsk /F /R /X driveletter:]...That forces an entire NTFS filesystem analysis and repair...It should let you delete the file afterwards if it doesn't do it for you during the scan..


My Computer

Thanks for all the replies there appreciated but I tried Sid’s wee program and it worked perfectly.
Had something in my super Vista wallet though i never used it and i hope it works with X64 (i had just to search in my db for deleteundelatable ;)

DelinvFile - Utility for Deleting Invalid Files and Folders

Glad there is a program that works in Vista X64 instead of farting about with the dos command.
Cheer’s all, Take care

My Computer
