umm i am having problems with my mp3 files. Some files i am able to edit the details eg. artist album things and to the majority i am not able to edit the details, and its show as inactive. When i do try to edit it from the detail pane it says "Error:0xc00d0026: no error description available"
For thsoe songs that i cannot edit, i can't play them with wm11, vlc, and so on. saying that """Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."""
I have installed almsot every codec that existed but still doesn't work.
Help please
a friend of mine told me to try transcoding the file to another MP3 file.
may i ask how to do that?
help plz
reply are greatly appreciated

For thsoe songs that i cannot edit, i can't play them with wm11, vlc, and so on. saying that """Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."""
I have installed almsot every codec that existed but still doesn't work.

Help please
a friend of mine told me to try transcoding the file to another MP3 file.
may i ask how to do that?

help plz
reply are greatly appreciated