no matter what software you use, you will never be secure so i don't really see a point in scaring average users into downloading tons of security packages...
It's different if you need protection because you are a target but i don't see any reason for a malicious user to waste time and energy breaking into a home computer when there are much bigger and more rewarding targets?
If you want your computer to be secure you have two options.
- do not connect to a network
- do not turn it on
these are the
only ways to protect your computer. And that doesn't stop someone from walking in and stealing it so you would need to go and encrypt hard disks and all sorts of pointless rubbish. A normal person would never need that much security.
The sad fact is, if you do not understand the security risks then you should not do anything on a computer you wouldn't want the entire world to see. Do not use online banking etc.
Its simply never secure no matter how good you are with security because someone will
always find a way to crack the security - always.
Carl424 - unless you have extremely sensitive data on your computer then you do not need cia style security (which isn't even secure anyway). The us government is getting cracked left, right and center so what makes you think a home computer will ever be "secure". What you have is sufficient for you, just try to avoid websites that look suspicious, don't open files you obtained from an untrusted source and run full scans every day. That should be enough for you.
The most important thing i can suggest is strong passwords. Weak passwords is the number one cause of security breeches...
Read this for tips on creating a strong password ->
strong passwords and password security | microsoft security
good luck
ps - when someone says you will be secure, thats a sign they don't know what they are talking about because if you are online you are
never secure. So you can ignore them