e-mails sent do not post into sent items folder


New Member
When sending any e-mail in Windows Live Mail, it appears that a copy of the e-mail does not get saved in the "sent items" folder. I have read a few threads on this and one suggested to look into the "sent items" under the Storage Folders but this is not the answer to the problem. Any other suggestions as to how to insure that every e-mail I send has a copy in the sent items folder would be appreciated. Thanks.

My Computer

Check Tools\Options\Send, the top tick box. "Save a copy of sent items..."

If you have several accounts, sent mails should end up in the Sent box belonging to the account used for that mail. Only newsgroup postings end up in my Storage Sent Items (though I use a fake 'From' address which may explain that).

My Computer

When sending any e-mail in Windows Live Mail, it appears that a copy of the e-mail does not get saved in the "sent items" folder. I have read a few threads on this and one suggested to look into the "sent items" under the Storage Folders but this is not the answer to the problem. Any other suggestions as to how to insure that every e-mail I send has a copy in the sent items folder would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hello michael,
Open your Windows Live Mail > top panel, click Tools > click Options > top panel, click Send > put a check (tick) in the 1st box that says "Save copy of sent messages ---"
Inform me if that works.

My Computer

This occurs when you send a response to a message that was sent to an account that was previously setup in Windows Live Mail but no longer exists. For example, say you have two e-mail accounts: [email protected] and [email protected]. Whenever you receive or respond to e-mails for either account, Windows Mail does you the "favor" of categorizing your received and sent items (no way to prevent this; correct me if I'm wrong). Eventually, you decide to delete [email protected] and instead alias that e-mail address to your primary one, which is [email protected]. So then an old friend sends you an e-mail to [email protected]. His message shows up in the inbox of your [email protected]. However, when you attempt to reply to your friend, the only account that Windows Mail will allow you send from is the [email protected] account, which doesn't actually exist in Windows Mail anymore. When the message goes out, it somehow still authenticates through [email protected] but Windows Live Mail doesn't know what to do with the sent item, since it supposedly went out as [email protected]. So, instead of putting your e-mail in a catch-all somewhere, it's just lost.

The only workaround is to create a completely new e-mail as [email protected] and paste the contents into it.

Why Microsoft thought it was a good idea to categorize everything by account...I'll never know. It should behave just like Outlook did in this regard. We're using Windows Live just because Windows Mail was so bad, but Windows Live is actually even worse and there's no way to roll back because the database formats are completely different. There's also no way to roll forward to any other mail application to the best of my knowledge. So we're just completely stuck using this junk. I can't BELIEVE this came from Microsoft!

My Computer
