Dynex - WebCam


New Member
I'm trying to install Dynex WebCam using USB port and somehow when the system
detects the new hardware it automatically install the USB camera driver even I
cancel the warning from system wizard. By the time the installation is completed
USB camera driver is running but that is not what I want. I want Dynex-camera
driver. Done disabling/unistalling the USB camera driver with no avail. Did all the
tricks in the book with no luck... Note: I downloaded up-to-date Dynex driver.

At one point, was able to get it working but after the reboot. I'm back to square
one. I am trying to trace back to what I did but my brain say quit it for now.

Any hand is very much approciated. (I running Vista Home Premium)

My Computer

Got this working. Here's what I did. I uninstall both dynex and web cam companion 2
then downloaded DX-WC100 and DX-WC101 from dynexproducts.com then run the
setup program for DX-WC100 and DX-WC101 and reinstall DYNEX webcam application.
Update the driver from device manager for Dynex-camera and selecT "BROWSE MY COMPUTER" then "LET ME PICK FROM A LIST...." and select " Dynex WebCam from the
list and reboot.

My Computer
