I've got a bit of strange problem - I have looked in various places on the net and have not found a solution. Hopefully it'll be a simple solution and it's just me being a bit slow (this is my first experiance of Vista so I'm going to blame it on that if it is a simple solution).
Anyway nuff whaffling.
I have just installed Vista premium 64 bit on a home built brand new machine and the DVD drive works with audio CD's, CD-rom & DVD Roms, however when i Pop a DVD-video in the drive the drive spools up but then nothing.
I have tried media centre, media player and "My computer" but the disk isn't even seen.
I have read about decoder problems but as the disk isn't even seen in the drive I don't think it's that.
Oh the Drive is a Samsung SATA drive from my old machine and was working yesterday in the other PC.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I've got a bit of strange problem - I have looked in various places on the net and have not found a solution. Hopefully it'll be a simple solution and it's just me being a bit slow (this is my first experiance of Vista so I'm going to blame it on that if it is a simple solution).
Anyway nuff whaffling.
I have just installed Vista premium 64 bit on a home built brand new machine and the DVD drive works with audio CD's, CD-rom & DVD Roms, however when i Pop a DVD-video in the drive the drive spools up but then nothing.
I have tried media centre, media player and "My computer" but the disk isn't even seen.
I have read about decoder problems but as the disk isn't even seen in the drive I don't think it's that.
Oh the Drive is a Samsung SATA drive from my old machine and was working yesterday in the other PC.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
My Computer
System One
- Manufacturer/Model
- Self Build
- phenom x3
- Memory
- 4gb