so i have a really irritating problem. i throw my vista dvd into the new computer i built and once it reaches the install point of "copying windows files" or watever it drops out saying it cannot find the necessary files and has to restart. this was strange because i had just used the disc on my gaming computer mind this is a LEGAL copy from MSDN college thinger. so i take out the hard drive throw it in my gaming comp install vista again LEGALLY using an iso and voila vistas there. now i start vista and when i try to install my drivers i cant access the dvd rom drive. i mean the thing freezes my computer just trying to right click on it yet alone access device manager. now my guess was a failed drive but i tried 2 others that were fully working and same issue. then i reinstall vista same problem. i took it in to a shop and they threw an xp disc in and it started to go pretty well so im wondering...wat the hell? can anyone help on this i mean i cant even get the drivers in from the disc right and i cant use the internet to find drivers because i cant install the ethernet card drivers