dropping out


hello everyone

I am still having trouble with my broadband speed and it keeps dropping out
i have been in touch with my ISP provider and they said to cure the problem i
should use an ethernet cable because wireless is not very stable.
i fitted a cable a couple of days ago but at 8.30p.m tonight it dropped out again
and after 5 minutes it came back on but with a very low speed i.e. 340kbps
and it slowly built up speed to my normal download speed
can anyone tell me what is happening and can you solve it

regards calmat

My Computer

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Oh calmat,
I meant to ask you,
The make & model no.of your gear.
Have you done a speed test, at variable times, keep copy, then you can show ISP the quality of service you're getting.

Speedtest.net - The Global Broadband Speed Test

My Computer

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    HP G56 Laptop Win 7 64bit. 4Gb Ram DDR2's. Hitachi 450Gb Hard Drive. Pentium(R) Duel-Core CPU.
Hi calmat,
A few questions for you, and some further info you might find of value.
You obviously changes computer settings from wirelass to cable.
Did you do the custom CD setup configration when you first got it?
understand the CD has an instructional video on it as well, along with the manual, if you got one.

his should be your model & indicated features from www.zyxel.com

ScreenHunter_01 Mar. 10 00.37.jpg

Let me know if it's not the same one.
On signal etc., did you prioratise?
Because it does have options to prioratise different types of traffic?

That hopefully will sort things. If not come back to the forum.

My Computer

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    Hewlett-Packard SR5019UK
    AMD Athlon 64 processor 3800 + 2.40GHz
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    HP G56 Laptop Win 7 64bit. 4Gb Ram DDR2's. Hitachi 450Gb Hard Drive. Pentium(R) Duel-Core CPU.
hello kesume

i dont really understand what you are asking me except I have been using a wireless router and i was told to buy an ethernet cable and just plug in, i have not made any adjustments to my system or the router, should i have done anything
after i plugged cable in


My Computer

Hi calmat,
Not necessarily, I was making sure you had indeed followed any instal instructions given to you when purchasing your unit.
If you have the manual & especially the instructional CD, it may give you some hints for speed/signal etc.

Given that \i am not insitu, it is sometimes difficult to determine certain factors, the CD may help answer some question or guide to why you are having your present problem.

I am not saying to do anything specific at this time. As mentioned keep a note of times & dates of downside.
Refer to information received, and that of the CD & manual. OK?

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    HP G56 Laptop Win 7 64bit. 4Gb Ram DDR2's. Hitachi 450Gb Hard Drive. Pentium(R) Duel-Core CPU.
hello kesume

I have just had an engineer from BT and he has found a fault on the line which has now been sorted. he told me this will probably solve my dropping out problem.

thanks very much for all of your help


My Computer

Hi calmat,
Great, I was just about to suggest a line check, as I have been going through similar problems with connection for the last week with the same provider.
My line check organised for tomorrow 11pm.
That should sort me out too.
You will now just have to keep an eye on it, see what happens, do that speed check!

If you had a BT engineer in UK? Why is your time set for US, or has BT gone global.

My Computer

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    HP G56 Laptop Win 7 64bit. 4Gb Ram DDR2's. Hitachi 450Gb Hard Drive. Pentium(R) Duel-Core CPU.
hi kesume

BT engineer found fault on line, told me it would not drop out anymore. 3 hours
later it dropped out again. Just before i sent this reply to you it dropped out again, it seems to drop out about the same time every night. Any ideas why.

regards calmat

My Computer

Hi calmat,
We seem tro be having the same troubles!
I would, as mentioned earlier, take note of the times if possible for further reference e.g .BT
Did you do any speed tests, would be good if at all possible, again for reference regarding the promises service.

I am able to see other bt users in my vacinity, and see who is using the enet.
Not able to connect to their system of course.
This may, I say May, be a little of your problem.
Are you aware of
others in the vacinity on BT?
Areas of dense population, block of flats, area where lots of strudents residents e.g.?
It may slow down during peek user times?
It is one possibility, get back to BT & tell them what's happened,
Take speed test, then ytou can say look.........only ?Mb/s Why?

Come back to me if any more questions OK?
I'll see what I can finde out.

My Computer

System One

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    AMD Athlon 64 processor 3800 + 2.40GHz
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    HP G56 Laptop Win 7 64bit. 4Gb Ram DDR2's. Hitachi 450Gb Hard Drive. Pentium(R) Duel-Core CPU.
Hi calmat,
Trying to cover all angles, BT have this as pert of their 'Things to make etc......

Don't connect your modem/router using an extension cable. Poor quality extension cables are probably the number one cause of poor broadband speeds. Extension cables can massively increase interference on your line and cause broadband speeds to be lowered. The simplest way to solve the problem is to ditch the extension cable and connect the router directly to the phone socket and then use a long ethernet cable to connect your computer to the router (these can be purchased in any computer store and cost around £ 1 per metre), ethernet cables will not degrade the speed of your connection.

Do you have the BT Desktop Help Software?
That takes you through problem solving.

If not log onto BT Broadband & see if it helps, I think they have a speed test.

They have 24/7 365 days Helpline 0800 111 4567

Wish I had an easy number like that.!

Let us know how things go.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Hewlett-Packard SR5019UK
    AMD Athlon 64 processor 3800 + 2.40GHz
    M2N68-LA (Narra)
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    nVidia GeForce
    Sound Card
    Realtec ALC888 Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    17" LCD Monitor
    Hard Drives
    160 Gb Usable Hard Drive
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    HP G56 Laptop Win 7 64bit. 4Gb Ram DDR2's. Hitachi 450Gb Hard Drive. Pentium(R) Duel-Core CPU.
hi kesume

I am not with BT my ISP provider is The Post Office.
I have connected an ethernet cable but it has not made any difference, dropped out again last night at about the same time.


My Computer

Hi calmat,
Good morning.I am running out of ideas.
I can only repeat what has been relayed in earlier posts:-
Check connections.
Check signal .strength (test)
If dropping same time as indicated :- make note of time & drop in strenth by doing speed test.
At this stage, with what you have told me, and what you have done to eleviate the problem, I cannot help but deduce that it is outside influances causing this problem.
Be it peak time connection.
ISP limiting speed.
I would again recommend speed tests for your own piece of mind. It drops! But we don't know byhow much?
Other members may have advice & suggestions, but at the moment I am out of fresh ideas.
That however, does not mean we are beaten, I will continue to research the issue.
But you must do your part,please, by testing the speed download/upload. OK?
Post Office deails:-

ScreenHunter_01 Mar. 12 11.38.gif

Their website may have info for you.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Hewlett-Packard SR5019UK
    AMD Athlon 64 processor 3800 + 2.40GHz
    M2N68-LA (Narra)
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    Realtec ALC888 Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
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    160 Gb Usable Hard Drive
    Other Info
    HP G56 Laptop Win 7 64bit. 4Gb Ram DDR2's. Hitachi 450Gb Hard Drive. Pentium(R) Duel-Core CPU.
My pleasure.
Let's hope we can crack this thing?
Good Luck.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Hewlett-Packard SR5019UK
    AMD Athlon 64 processor 3800 + 2.40GHz
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    Realtec ALC888 Audio
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    HP G56 Laptop Win 7 64bit. 4Gb Ram DDR2's. Hitachi 450Gb Hard Drive. Pentium(R) Duel-Core CPU.
Hi calmat,
More information re=Dropout.
As in previous post you had visit from BT line engineer, where you apparently had a line fault, and it was fixed.
You have subsequently had dropouts since, how many & at what times?

As you know an engineer was due to look at my line for similar reasons.
I had no line fault, but was made better, but not cured, by the introduction of a new router (third one tried).
While the engineer was testing etc., I took the opportunity to grill (ask) him some questions re: lines/b/band/wireless connections.

Specifically what problems had been encountered, general faults, overall effectiveness of various systems.
He was very willing to relay any information, which is good. Mmmm!
I particularly asked him about your situation, regular dropouts-same time etc.

His number one answer was that he felt it was caused by some sort of Timer(regular operation) central heating, washing machine, cooker, something regular.
It does not have to be in your own house/apartment either, could be next door!
Anything with sudden electrical impulse can effect it , in his experience of constantly checking lines for customers who generally complaining of line speed/signal strength.
He stated that they had big trouble at xmas time, as all the lights were playing havoc with the broadband!

So in conclusion of this update:-
I would look out for something that is a regular procedure, making note of times.
I will include the BT link on Broadband, because it has Very, very good info. Follow the links inside.
Particularly the sections on electrical & radio interference.
OK that's it for now. Cheers.

My broadband connection keeps dropping | Help | BT.com Help

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Hewlett-Packard SR5019UK
    AMD Athlon 64 processor 3800 + 2.40GHz
    M2N68-LA (Narra)
    Graphics card(s)
    nVidia GeForce
    Sound Card
    Realtec ALC888 Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    17" LCD Monitor
    Hard Drives
    160 Gb Usable Hard Drive
    Other Info
    HP G56 Laptop Win 7 64bit. 4Gb Ram DDR2's. Hitachi 450Gb Hard Drive. Pentium(R) Duel-Core CPU.
hello kesume

thanks for all that information
it has been dropping out every night between 7.00pm and 8.00pm.
i think you are right about something being turned on at that time, i live on a small mobile home site and i know everyone quite well, so i am going around and ask everyone if they are switching on an appliance at these times
be in touch


My Computer

Thank's calmat for the reply.
It does make sense doesn't it?
Have you any on-site, outside lights that are on a nighttime switch on. Just a thought, something coming on when dark?
Keep in touch.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Hewlett-Packard SR5019UK
    AMD Athlon 64 processor 3800 + 2.40GHz
    M2N68-LA (Narra)
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    nVidia GeForce
    Sound Card
    Realtec ALC888 Audio
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    160 Gb Usable Hard Drive
    Other Info
    HP G56 Laptop Win 7 64bit. 4Gb Ram DDR2's. Hitachi 450Gb Hard Drive. Pentium(R) Duel-Core CPU.