Download glitch


I encountered what I have to assume is a Windows / Internet Explorer glitch - displaying the “download blocked” warning without pausing or giving the opportunity to either accept or cancel the download – while attempting to update my QuickTime player.

Because of this glitch, I wasn’t able to download the QuickTime 7.6 update from Apple’s website – but I WAS able to through CNET’s

When I clicked the download link at , Internet Explorer’s “download blocked” warning appeared at the top of the screen in the split second before opening the next webpage in the process.

And since I hadn’t cleared the “download blocked” warning – I wasn’t given the opportunity in that split second – the actual download never began. No error message, no aborted download… The “Your download will begin shortly” page opened, but of course the download never started.

As I said, I WAS eventually able to download the QuickTime 7.6 update through CNET’s, so no harm done – just lots & lots & lots of frustration until I thought to give a try.

This QuickTime update is the only instance in which I’ve encountered this glitch. (I have Vista 64 Home Premium & Internet Explorer 7, if that makes a difference.)

Has anyone else run into this problem? Does it occur with websites other than Apple?

Is there any way of resolving it without having to seek out an alternative download site?

My Computer
