New Member
Hello, After using perfmon to determine what applications were hogging my internet connection at 2am every morning I found that AeLookupSvc and Appinfo were the culprits. After looking up what they did and deciding that it would be ok to disable them (!!) I did so, and now any activity that requires administrative privileges either does not respond, or returns the error "C:\Windows\system32\services.msc The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it. Perfmon, services.msc, windows firewall, system restore, accessing my registry, none of it works. I can still run programs and serf the net, but anything that needs admin priv will not work. I guess what I need is some kind of workaround, I need to enable Appinfo without administrator privileges so I can get my administrator privileges back. Thanks for any help you can provide, Tim **SKIP the FOLLOWING if you just want to help for said issue** Now time for the RANT: Jesus I have never been so frustrated! I have never had a prolonged experience with something so clunky, so ridiculous, and coming highly touted from one of the largest corporations on the planet! This is only one (and the worst) of the many problems I've had. While playing warcraft I'll suffer from framerate issues with a powerful dual core until the cpu's decide "hey, he's got 6 fps, lets stop whatever we were doing and help him out" and my framerates will jump to 60. I spent an hour in the registry working on my latency issues, I spent 30 minutes in the registry fixing a fallout 3 console problem, svchost will decide to go surf the net in the middle of me doing something myself and lag the crap out of me. My computer has a mind of its own and rarely is it doing something I want to do too! If windows vista wiped my a$$ it would be a 47 step process and have to stop and ask my permission to ask my permission. I went to microsoft support for help, entered in my product i.d. in order to determine if I could get support help WITHOUT having to PAY $49, and it told me the number was for vista home premium 64 bit instead of the 32 bit I selected, well, ok, I went back and changed the option to 64 bit, re-entered the SAME exact i.d., it gave me a product i.d. format error......the same, copy/pasted i.d..... I went and did it two more times both ways including opening a new browser window laughing my ass off!!! Way to go microsoft! Your $230 billion dollar organization wants $49 from me to help me with your problems! I'm so glad I was so frustrated I laughed, otherwise my laptop would have traveled through the wall. ( I know, anger issues, but can you blame me?!?!) There's some more I could write if you're still reading, but my finger's are getting cold, I haven't typed this much since my senior design project.
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