Just when you might have thought it was safe to start using USB flash drives at work again, the third, and by all accounts, most fiendish version of the Conficker worm that's infected millions of PCs already is set to attack on April 1st, Ars Technica reports. Conficker.C's designed to hide itself even more thoroughly than its older siblings Conficker.A and Conficker.B, using tricks such as:
•Inserting itself into as many as five Windows-related folders such as System, Movie Maker, Internet Explorer, and others (under a random name, of course)
•Creating access control entries and locking the file(s)
•Registers dummy services using a "one (name) from column A, one from column B, and two from column C" method
To find out what happens when Conficker.C strikes, join us after the jump.
Conficker.C's payload makes it harder than ever to recover from being infected:
•Deactivates Windows Security Center notifications
•Prevents restart in Safe Mode
•Prevents Windows Defender from running at system startup
•Deletes all system restore points
•Disables various error-reporting and security services
•Terminates over twenty security-related processes
•Blocks DNS queries
•Blocks access to security and antivirus websites
•And, to top it all off, Conficker.C can choose from a list of 500 domains to contact out of a pool of 50,000 (way up from Conficker.B's 32 out of 250).
Link:: This is No Joke: Conficker.C to Strike on April Fools' Day | Maximum PC
Removal Tool:: How to use the Downadup removal tools -
I can't say much else, as I don't know much else, though I read about this on another Forum I belong to. I have all my Updates in place as always, ran MS Malware Removal Tool, Ran complete system Scan, my PC turned up clean of
Conflicker A and B as well as C, but then C has not been released as yet.
I do know MS has a bounty out on the individual responsible, $250,000 BUCKS!!
That should give you guys an Idea of how SERIOUS this THREAT is!!
I am not sure about the removal tool either, but that's the only one I found.
Thus far.
Just be AWARE!!
Just when you might have thought it was safe to start using USB flash drives at work again, the third, and by all accounts, most fiendish version of the Conficker worm that's infected millions of PCs already is set to attack on April 1st, Ars Technica reports. Conficker.C's designed to hide itself even more thoroughly than its older siblings Conficker.A and Conficker.B, using tricks such as:
•Inserting itself into as many as five Windows-related folders such as System, Movie Maker, Internet Explorer, and others (under a random name, of course)
•Creating access control entries and locking the file(s)
•Registers dummy services using a "one (name) from column A, one from column B, and two from column C" method
To find out what happens when Conficker.C strikes, join us after the jump.
Conficker.C's payload makes it harder than ever to recover from being infected:
•Deactivates Windows Security Center notifications
•Prevents restart in Safe Mode
•Prevents Windows Defender from running at system startup
•Deletes all system restore points
•Disables various error-reporting and security services
•Terminates over twenty security-related processes
•Blocks DNS queries
•Blocks access to security and antivirus websites
•And, to top it all off, Conficker.C can choose from a list of 500 domains to contact out of a pool of 50,000 (way up from Conficker.B's 32 out of 250).
Link:: This is No Joke: Conficker.C to Strike on April Fools' Day | Maximum PC
Removal Tool:: How to use the Downadup removal tools -
I can't say much else, as I don't know much else, though I read about this on another Forum I belong to. I have all my Updates in place as always, ran MS Malware Removal Tool, Ran complete system Scan, my PC turned up clean of
Conflicker A and B as well as C, but then C has not been released as yet.
I do know MS has a bounty out on the individual responsible, $250,000 BUCKS!!
That should give you guys an Idea of how SERIOUS this THREAT is!!
I am not sure about the removal tool either, but that's the only one I found.
Thus far.
Just be AWARE!!
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My Computer
System One
- Manufacturer/Model
- BlueMonster Mfg. (me)
- Intel Wolfdale @ 3.5Ghz 45nm
- Motherboard
- GigaByte EP35-DS3R
- Memory
- 8 GIG's Gskill RAM 8500/1066
- Graphics card(s)
- NV EvGa GTX275 WTF 900meg.
- Sound Card
- Realtek ALC889A HD Audio 5.1
- Monitor(s) Displays
- SONY Trinitron 21" CRT P1130b
- Screen Resolution
- 1280X1024
- Hard Drives
- 2X250 GIG Caviar 2, 32 meg Cashe,
- Case
- Antec Tower Blue w/ a gang of Fans.
- Cooling
- AC Freezer Pro
- Mouse
- Blue LED Diamondback 1600dpi
- Keyboard
- Microsoft Reclusa Razer
- Internet Speed
- Up to 6mg/sec
- Other Info
- Labor of Love, Kick down a REP point, throw a guy a bone once in awhile. : ) Pleeease!!