Yes but other companies such as Bright House and such are suggesting caps that are MUCH MUCH lower while still charging the same rates for internet service. Example is Bright House is testing the market in a LOW population area with a bandwidth cap of 50gig's per month. Not only is this too low, its also not a fair test of the market. Frontier is also suggesting a 5Gig per month bandwidth limit. While Comcast has a reasonable limit 250Gig, these other providers and more are not being reasonable.
Also as a side note, not ONE DSL provider to my knowledge is even suggesting bandwidth limitations.
Is this the road you want your internet service going down? Honestly I have already contacted my congressional office of my home state expressing my opinions and concerns. Regulation of speed could be a back door to regulation of the internet itself, take heed and if this is a concern to you like it is me then start communicating with your elected representatives locally.
Oh and just for the record I am not a P2P user, I don't download music/movies/tv shows,I am a gamer and I just cannot stand for hidden regulation on something such as the internet that is supposed to not be regulated.