New Member
Hey Vista Guru I was hoping you could help me. Or anyone for that matter, I have been having trouble with plug and play devices on my Toshiba M305D laptop. Old or New I can’t get the drivers to install correctly. It all started when I updated my Zune software to V3.0 then all the sudden windows can’t install the driver for any of my devices, I’m talking Thumb driver external hard drive even a Microsoft optical mouse. I have had some success with plugging the device in and then rebooting the computer. On start-up it will prompt me with: do you want to install drivers for your “whatever”. If I click anything but ask me again later. The device won’t work but if I tell to ask later. I can sometimes access the info on the thumb drives or external, and sometimes get the mouse to work. No luck with the Zune at all. Yea I tried uninstalling Zune and reinstalling. Manually installing drivers, and even purchased Driver Detective for a whopping 40 dollars in hopes that will fix it. I have searched forum after forum trying to find a solution to this. Unfortunately I am in Iraq and don’t have access to the boot disk so reinstalling is out of the question until Oct 09 it cost 70 dollars a month for internet and all I have done in my free time is research ways to fix this. If you need info from me just ask I will try to check this forum everyday. All error codes I have seen is 1, 10, 28 Please Oh Please Help Me.