Can't download anything!?!


New Member
Alright so here is what happened(and what I think MAY be causing my problems)...I wanted to dual boot windows vista and windows 7. In order to do that I needed to create a second partition in which to install 7 on. When I tried doing it right from vista, it said I only have 4GB to create the partition, when I had almost 40GB free. So I used Acronis to create a 15 gig partition which worked. I then installed 7 and that went fine. But then when I tried to boot vista, it like erased everything I had. I was really confused as to what had happened. So I rebooted and my stuff was pretty much back to normal except for two things-

1. I can't make new folders without having permission.

2. I can't download files off the internet!

Now I'm fine with 1, because there is a fix for that but I need 2 to do so...

When I go to download a file I click the "download" button, or what ever the link may be to download and nothing happens. Nothing comes up asking me what I want to to, no progress bar, NOTHING. I can't download anything at all. Is there any way I can fix this?!?! Please help!

My Computer
