Cannot reload Adobe CS3


New Member
Good morning and thanks to those members who helped with my 'Startup' problem. Can anyone help with the following?
Some time ago I (carelessly) picked up the Windows Defender Virus, which I shifted using info on the internet. After restoring my files etc., I was unable to open Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. So, I uninstalled them (using Control Panel>Programs & Features), then loaded again using my CD of the programs. After chuntering away for 5 mins, a message appeared saying that the programs couldn't be installed. I have checked the CD and it successfully installed both programs on another PC.
Has anyone a suggestion as to what the problem is and how I might load CS3 again? I run Vista 32 bit on Dell Inspiron laptop.
Many thanks,


My Computer

Hello Glossterline... I feel you pain.

I had something similar occur a few days ago:

Although I could install my Photoshop CS... it wouldn't launch... "Not Responding" became like the F word for me. It froze just before it should have opened up. Nothing I tried worked for me.

I threw my hands up and did a total install of my system (from factory out of the box) and now it launches beautifully. Must be something really nasty going around, and too new for Anti-Virus to protect us from it...

best of luck with your issue...

My Computer
