Thank you for your prompt reply. Before I received it I tried to find a solution in the Help files and all I got was the same thing -boxes with little red crosses in which I can't open. When I tried "View Source" on one of the topics all I got was this :
</div><a name="BFAGCGACFJL_42"></a><div class="section">
<h2 class="title_section">Microsoft help and support online</h2>
<p class="para"><IMG class="embedObject" src="mshelp://windows/?id=2d5f67b3-e944-4eca-8e3c-c93e16f883a8" alt=" Windows Help online"> For more demos, articles, and other how-to content, visit the <a class="navigationLink" href="
Windows Vista Help & How-to - Help & How-to - Microsoft Windows" title="Go to"><span class="notLocalizable">Windows</span> Help and How-to website.</a></p>
<p class="para"> <IMG class="embedObject" src="mshelp://windows/?id=0c940c7d-3bd5-47c5-89f7-7d1a50c08f41" alt="Microsoft website for IT professionals">
If you're an administrator or want technical information, visit the <a class="navigationLink" href="
Windows Vista | Download Guide, Service Packs, SP2, SP1 | TechNet" title="Go to and search for "Vista resources for IT professionals"">Microsoft website for IT professionals.</a></p>
I feel such an idiot.I have no idea what's happening.