Well, I went and did exactly what I said I wouldn't do. I bought a Registry Cleaner. Oh, yes, it was recommended by all these magazines and companies that had the best credentials I'd ever seen; and I got "pulled in". Well, I ran it twice and guess what happened? Everything, every operation was denied to me. I couldn't even do a system restore or recovery. I couldn't even connect to the Internet.
So the only thing left to do was a system recovery with my creation disks. Luckily my printer still worked, so I printed out the information on how to do it...and I did it.
Yes, I had to replace everything, but I learned a valuable lesson again.
IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT! (or don't try to mess with it and install things you "THINK" will make it better.)
And don't be swayed by those ads that tell you how great a product is. I messed my computer up again, like I've done many times, but I learned from it.
A hint: if you order a program or something you have to re-install, ALWAYS order a disc for it. Saved me many a trial and headaches! I also keep all my usernames and passwords and certain info like licesnse codes in an address book, just in case I forget them. It sure beats having to go throught the mess of asking for licesnses, etc. I keep it on my desk and refer to it often.
I hope someone out there learns from my mistake about this. Yes, some cleaners may be fine for some computers..but not for me!
So the only thing left to do was a system recovery with my creation disks. Luckily my printer still worked, so I printed out the information on how to do it...and I did it.
Yes, I had to replace everything, but I learned a valuable lesson again.
IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT! (or don't try to mess with it and install things you "THINK" will make it better.)
And don't be swayed by those ads that tell you how great a product is. I messed my computer up again, like I've done many times, but I learned from it.
A hint: if you order a program or something you have to re-install, ALWAYS order a disc for it. Saved me many a trial and headaches! I also keep all my usernames and passwords and certain info like licesnse codes in an address book, just in case I forget them. It sure beats having to go throught the mess of asking for licesnses, etc. I keep it on my desk and refer to it often.

I hope someone out there learns from my mistake about this. Yes, some cleaners may be fine for some computers..but not for me!